Monday, July 20, 2020

Sr Pilar announces start of ONLINE classes for all sections

My dear students,  its good to be in touch with you again.😊

It has been four months since school closed and I continue to miss you all… πŸ’•. Even the pet dogs 🐾Hola 🐢and Simba 🐢are looking around everywhere for you all 🐾. Let us pray and hope this pandemic is over soon.πŸ™πŸ½

You’ve had a break for the Month of July 🌈and now from the 4th of August you will start ONLINE preparatory classes πŸ–₯️! This will be an exciting learning experience for you all.   

As you already know, your Report Books and your Book Lists will be given to you when the school re-opens. Until then these online lessons will help you prepare for the next school year. These classes will not require new books or writing materials. The book lists are being amended so DO NOT BUY any new school books. You just have to follow the lessons and material posted online by your teachers. Details on how to join these classes will be posted soon. 

If you do not have access to a computer πŸ–₯️ or a laptop πŸ’», you can join the classes through a basic smart phone πŸ“± or a tablet. 

Wishing you all a very happy πŸ•ŒEid.  Remember all the Sisters, Teachers and workers of the school in your prayers πŸ™πŸ½. Sending you a big hug πŸ€— and the very best πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

Sr Pilar Vila San Juan.

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