The Second Inter-School and Inter-Collegiate competition, organized by the Punjab Olympic Association held at Lahore took place from the 17th of November 2009 till the 21st of November 2009. In this competition, various schools and colleges took part in many sports like Table-Tennis, Basketball, Baseball e.t.c., out of which our school participated in the Table-Tennis tournament. In the table tennis competitions twenty teams took part comprising of thirteen schools and seven colleges. Our team played six matches while losing only one. There were team events and individual matches, and in the team events, the team members were:
Khadija Shoaib(9-B) and Farha Omer(9-A)
At first, there were heat events wherein we defeated schools like LGS Defence (A-level branch) and KIPS, thus qualifying for the semi-finals. Therein we lost one match and could not play in the finals, but we won the match for the third position and decorated as the Bronze Medalists. Accordingly we were awarded certificates and a shield. Model High School for Girls (ModelTown) won the first position and Sacred Heart were runners up.