Monday, November 18, 2019

CJM-143 Years of Joy, Care and Love


Happiness multiplies when you share it with others.
 CJM, Lahore celebrates 143 years of Joy, Care and Love by sharing it with 
the SundusFoundation 
and #Edhi Welfare 
on School's Birthday this year.
We give thanks with grateful hearts for all those wonderful people, Sisters, Staff (teaching and domestic), pupils and parents who have been and still are part of this grand old Institution that we call CJM. 
May God Almighty grant eternal rest and peace to the souls gone before us, amen
 and bless those of us who still carry on the work of forming our children at CJM today, suma amen.. 

Happy 143rd Birthday dear school. 
Blessings on you.🙏🏼🎂🎊🎉💐💐💖💖💖🙏🏼🌷🥳🌷

With God’s Blessings, 
Live Long & Prosper, Amen

May CJM Lahore always shine as bright as the sun and as joyful as the balloons sent floating in the sky by the huge bunch of excited CJM girls!!! 
May the Sisters always keep the spirit of joy, hard work and integrity in the souls of all serving the children!!! 
May the Sisters live long healthy happy lives always and forever!!! 
It was as always sheer joy to share the joy in the forever beckoning field of CJM Lahore!!!!

by Silwat Zafar
Class of 1989

Video Credits : Silwat Zafar 

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